Dig Brew Co. - Club Ink and Paint
What a curve ball today’s offering was! Neither of us had heard of Dig Brew before today, and both of us are suckers for a wax-dipped bottle. However, will this 8% Double Breakfast Maple Stout, brewed with oats, dark maple syrup, coconut and cacao nibs hit the spot or completely miss the mark?
Breakfast stout… two words that often promise a lot, but rarely live up to that promise. There are, of course, exceptions (Brunch Weasel, I’m looking at you kid). Unfortunately this number from Dig Brew, for me, falls into the former category, a big old disappointment.
The adjuncts list on this brew reads like heaven, cacao, maple, coconut, throw in a little tobacco smoke or some cognac to that and I’d bite your arm off for a sip, at least on paper. In this iteration, the maple comes through on the nose but is nowhere to be seen on the tongue. The coconut presumably looked at the mash tun and decided it wasn’t no place for him and high-tailed it out of there while the cacao must have spent a few too many hours roasting in the oven as the only flavour it gave was a charcoal bitterness – not the kind of bitter I want in any beer, let alone a stout. The overall flavour profile ended up being slightly medicinal which wasn’t helped by the confusingly thin mouthfeel. I will try Dig Brew again, but not this one.
Score – 3.0
I had been racking my brain to think what we might be getting for day 20 with that unusual slightly stubby bottle shape in it's concealing wrapping but wouldn't have guessed this in a million years!!
Now before mentioning the beer itself, I'm just not sure about this lot's branding. The stubby bottles and wax tops - pretty cool and unusual. The ridiculous and barely legible font and general layout of information, inordinately in foreign languages - pretty odd and amateur!!
Sadly, the beer itself was pretty odd and amateur - there is no greater brewing tragedy than listing a pile of inviting adjuncts that then prove to be awol on the finish. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if the labels were finished before the brewer realised his coconut order had been lost by UPS and decided to crack on to see if he could placebo the audience!! The maple was traceable on the nose but nowhere further and sadly, this might have rescued the brew as this stout needed to be much thicker and sweeter.
Score - 3.0
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