Ok, let's say your partner is like the two of us, an insufferable beer snob, but you're doing the big shop and you want to pick up a few cans of something they might enjoy but you have no idea where to start. Have no fear, One for the Road is here!
This series of posts is going to be all about the beers that are readily available in British supermarkets. We are talking Tesco, Morrisons, Sainsbury, Lidl, Aldi and Waitrose. If you walk into the beer aisle and don't know where to start, we are here for you. These reviews will let you know what is out there, the occasions they are suited to and how good they are in terms of value for money.
Lupulus X
Style - India Pale Ale
Brewer - Buxton Brewery
Hops - Citra (expect bright citrussy notes)
Where to buy it - Tesco
Price - £2.40
What to expect
There is a fact I once heard, I'm pretty sure it was on QI, so it is definitely of questionable veracity, but, it goes that the Giant Tortoise didn't get a scientific name for something like 300 years. This is because, apparently, Giant Tortoises are so bloody delicious that every time they tried to bring a specimen back to Europe for classification, the crew couldn't stop themselves from eating all the tortoises onboard. Whether this story is true, and I highly doubt it isn't, offers a little insight into the difficulty I have had with reviewing this beer (you will note I am unable to provide a picture of this poured). This beer is so surprisingly good that it has taken me approximately 15 cans over the course of the three months it has been available on our shelves to get around to writing it up.
So, clearly I rate this beer very highly, but why? Well, this beer pours like a dream, settling into a very inviting light amber colour in the glass. It is slightly thinner than you might expect from some higher-end IPAs, but let's remember this is a supermarket beer coming in at under £3 a can, so who is complaining? There isn't much head to this either, but again, who cares? It's not likely to be sitting around in the glass long enough for you to notice!
On the nose Lupulus X offers bright, zesty notes of citrus - think grapefruit and lime. But don't worry, this isn't a glass of Five Alive, there is plenty for a classic IPA lover to enjoy here once it gets in the mouth. The flavour notes on the tongue develop from the bright zestiness of the aroma into a mildly dank, slightly marmalade note. There is also a nice bit of bitterness on the finish, but not cheek wrinkling bitterness, just a little something to give a bit of a pucker and draw you back in for another sip. From start to finish Lupulus X is a pleasure to drink and is definitely a beer you will keep going back for. In terms of value for money, for me this is the best you're likely to find anywhere on the High Street.
When to drink it
Given the overtly citrus notes on the nose and the refreshing bitterness, Lupulus X would work well in most settings. However, if you have been asked to pick up a few beers for a BBQ or socially distanced drinks in the garden, this is a goer.