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Please don't let me get pied Again...

It's day 6 of Sours Week and next up is this cherry pie sour from the rather oddly named Southsea brewery (yes I have googled and realise its a dwarf planet but still....). I have been (figuratively) burned this week already by the novelty that is the "fruit pie" sour (click to read) so is this going to be a second (figurative) roof of the mouth scolding.....




Starstuff III


Dessert Sour



Hell no, it isn't!!!

As soon as that thick beetroot coloured sap left the can, I knew this was going to be special. The smell was a fizzy explosion of morello cherry and summer berries that tantalised the snout.

The taste was majestic, initial waves of haribo sour cherry gummies that slowly transformed into a deeper more mature taste, summer berries macerated in kirsch with a squeeze of lemon and a dollop of natural yogurt would be my standout comparison.

The can proclaimed the presence of cinnamon and Madagascan vanilla and I must fess up, I wasn't getting either of these but then I was drinking this unrepentantly chilled and maybe these would have wormed their way past that cherry berry blockade with a couple more degrees warming. To be honest, I adored this as it was and would drink it at the same temperature if someone graced me with a second can.

Whilst I normally talk about the mouthfeel towards the start, I have inverted it this time (by accident) simply as my eagerness to sound off about how great this sour tasted ran away with me. However, to moonwalk back a few paces, the lactose addition served to provide that bulky yet baby soft mouthfeel that really encapsulated all of those wonderful zingy fresh flavours. For me lactose in IPAs can be a real hit or miss, miss being the default setting, but in fruited goses and berliner weisses I'm pretty sure I have only had outright winners.

For a first foray into what Makemake can do, I'm thoroughly impressed and would definitely urge you to grab a can if you see any of their sours in your local bottle shop or online!!

Now I just need to get my hand on one of their non-sours....

Score 4.25

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